A DNA origami is so miniscule that even with an Atomic Force Microscope researchers can only take a snapshot measurement of its final stage through a process called characterization. Infinitesimal explores the gaps of scientific imaging by imagining what movement might mean when we enter the nanoscale, and how it would be perceived if visible to our eyes. Departing from images characterized during the laboratory work of Funken Academy, the work creates abstract generative animations transporting the viewer to the imaginary of such scales.

Scientific imaging is a rich domain for artistic exploration. When introduced to the Atomic Force Microscope at Frauenhofer ENAS, I was intrigued to discover that each image it produces takes approximately 20 minutes, capturing the final stage of Origami Folding.
Therefore, there is a big gap in our knowledge of what happens in the in-between stages, how origamis would move and what forms they would take. For my animations, I utilised three of the images produced in the lab and worked on them aesthetically.
As a Virtual Reality experience, Infinitesimal invites the participants to explore the imaging with their body, allowing them to subtly interact with the animation through their movement. Through this, I delve into the notion of how scientific imaging can be embodied and encountered as an immediate, immersive experience.
The project was developed in the framework of Funken Academy 2023, organised by @klubsolitaerev, in partnership with @arselectronica and @wroartcenter, in association with Frauenhofer ENAS.
With thanks to Carolin Liebl & Nikolas Schmid-Pfähler for the artistic mentorship, as well as to Mathis Janßen, Julia Hann and the whole Frauenhofer ENAS team for the scientific support.
Images from the Lab work inside Frauenhofer ENAS